Monday, November 15, 2010

It's Time for Christmas Music

  So this weekend I was off from work, so I made a trek to the dirty Jerz for some fun.  It was one of my sorority sister's birthdays this weekend and she lives in NJ and invited me to come hiking and drinking with her and her friends.  Even though this was my last weekend in the city, it sounded fun to me.  Count me in.
  After hiking on the Appalachian trail, we stopped for dinner at a Jersey diner.  I've barely experienced any type of diner, let alone a Jersey diner.  Let's just say that I was impressed.  The picture below however, stole the show. 

Swedish Almond Horn dipped in chocolate
  There are no words for this little gem of a cookie.  But I will try my damndest to describe it.  This is a mushy amaretto cookie center, rolled in sliced almonds, and dipped in chocolate on the ends.  OMG!!!!!  I was sad that I only bought one, but my waistline thanked me.  I found a recipe for them online.....and Jeana, if you're reading, I'm making them for Christmas.

Also, Janice's dog Daisy provided me with some entertainment.  I had half of a blueberry muffin wrapped in plastic wrap in my purse and Daisy unwrapped it and ate it on Sunday morning to provide herself with second breakfast.  She's a smart little bugger.
  I was so excited to cook at Janice's since I've barely been able to since I've been here in NYC.  We made a simple artichoke and shrimp pasta with red sauce....and drank tons of wine to go with it.

  As I was meandering around town today, I ran into an adorable European-style coffee shop and since I had all the time in the world I stopped.  I can't really describe how I felt in the store, but this feeling of happiness came over me as I watched the shoppers scurrying by the front window with their purchases.  I think it might've been the fact that I was listening to Christmas music on my phone.  But something about Christmas music and sipping that cafe au lait in that quaint coffee shop made me just relax and enjoy the evening.  I sipped coffee, people watched, and read Anne of Green Gables on my eReader.  Such a lovely day.
   Looking at this picture now, I think of the candy shop in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.
  However, the excitement isn't over.  As I passed Barnes & Noble today, I noticed a picture of Rachael Ray and stopped.  She was doing a book signing for her new book tonight!!!!  I met her in person!!!
She is so genuine and down-to-earth that it's unreal.  Total sweetheart.

  For dinner on the way home I stopped at the happiest place on earth.  No, not DisneyWorld, even better.....Whole Foods.
 I'll leave you with a gross picture of my dinner.
Channa masala, beet salad, sesame salad, roasted sweet potatoes, vegan pesto tortellini, and edamame salad.


  1. so amazing you saw her...loving all the things you are doing there!!! I'll be there jan 14!!!

  2. That Whole Foods dinner looks amazing! I'm glad you've enjoyed your time in NYC. Hopefully those interviews went well and you can head back up there for residency :)
